09 midterm

For the midterm presentation, I didn't have a ready prototype for my final deliverables but rather the results and evaluations from my 70 first small experiments and a set of future experiments I wanted to pursue for the remainder of the project.

It was challenging to in a simple and understandable way explain the different experiments, I tried to categorize and illustrate them, dividing them between the two main roadmaps that I was discovering for this project: living and purified ink.

Here is some of the comments that came up during the midterm presentation:

1. Discussing how to make the storytelling easier to understand for those who are not scientists.
2. It would be easier to understand the process if we could see the final outcomes first.
3. It would be helpful to mention how the BC-biomaterials and techniques have previously been applied in other industries. And how we are building on those innovations within a new field.
4. If living-ink is a good description of the techniques used, the word ink indicates something flat while the power of this technique is the ability to create 3D structures.
5. The company name Amass might not necessarily describe the technique that well.

midterm presentation

Last update: 2023-04-30