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Welcome to my Fabricademy documentation website!

On this page, you could find a summary of my bio.
In the assignments page you will find all of my research and weekly assignments during the first phase of the Fabricademy program, while, the project page will display my final project.
Please note that this site is a work in progress so, not all the assignments might be there, you just need to be patient.

Let's begin

About me

I’m an architectural designer based in Amman, Jordan. I define myself by my curiosity towards the world around me. I -literally- have a long list of things I want to learn, and I tackle them one by one.
It all started when I started drawing in ninth grade, and it was then when I realized that it’s about hard work and curiosity rather than just talent. I bought my first DSLR camera when I turned 17 and I started taking pictures, I got a scholarship to attend a long-term intensive photography, filmmaking workshop. While I always wanted to learn photography, filmmaking, on the other hand, was never on my list but I ended up enjoying it. I take some pictures every now and I made a short film called contingency.
Studying architecture was the perfect fit for me, I can relate everything I learn to architecture; I see architecture in everything. That’s why in the years that followed I took on some sculpting, music and linguistics classes. I’m interested in topics relating to psychology and behavior, I try to orient my architecture towards the people and nature.
P.S I play the violin!

You can also check my personal website here

Why did I join the Fabricademy?

Almost every piece of art, architecture, film, photography and even literature can be categorized under a style, or a school of thought or a movement. So, what creates a new movement?
Many professionals and theorists tried to answer this question throughout history. Kengo Kuma, a famous Japanese architect, when asked about the pillars of the Japanese Contemporary Architecture, proposed that the initiation of a new architecture is influenced by a change in at least one of four facets: theory, technology, resources, and humans. Hence, a new movement emerges to accommodate and reflect that change.
The Fabricademy covers more than two important facets, it covers a new technology, and new materials therefore new resources to process and design. I’m confident this could be the start of a new movement that can be appropriated to various disciplines and sectors, applied differently and around the world.
The world is changing in fast pace, I want to be part of that change, with my background in architecture and arts, I’m very intrigued at the opportunity to discover not only new methods and materials but a whole new way of thinking to hopefully be part of a new artistic, environment friendly, movement that suits the world we live in and matches its speed and precision.

Last update: 2022-10-11