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What is eco-anxiety?


Charline Schmerber is a french psychotherapist working on the topic of eco-anxiety: she made researches and statistics about a survey she launched. She made this survey online. It kept online from 10 september to 10 october 2019. 1264 people answered this online questionnaire.

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Socialter magazine that was very instructive to me!

In this magazine, you can find an article : "Etes-vous éco-anxieux ?"(Are you eco-anxious?)

"Les éco-anxieux sont confrontés à l'"hubris d'impuissance", cette volonté de puissance contrariée, aussi bienveillante que démesurée, cette ambition de vouloir soigner le monde sont des résolutions bien trop difficiles à assumer pour un individu seul."
( Eco-anxious people are confronted to this "powerlessness of the hubris", this frustrated "will-to-power", as benevolent as inmoderate, this ambition to heal the world are resolutions that are way too difficult to bear for a sole individual." )

Alice Desbiolles

Transforming anxiety, sadness or anger into action

Last update: 2023-03-28